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Vilai Viet meets GBCI Representative to discuss Green Building Development

On July 11th, Vilai Viet organized a meeting with the Representative of the GBCI (U.S. Green Building Council), the developer and publisher of the popular Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification. In this meeting, we discussed the trends of green building worldwide and exchanged valuable insights to support green building in Vietnam.

The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is a popular certification developed and published by the Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI). This is an organization under the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). With detailed requirements on how construction is designed and built, LEED is used worldwide in buildings, factories, warehouses, etc., especially with projects of international investors. As a contractor for FDI, Vilai Viet has applied this standard to various projects such as the Titan Dong Mai Industrial Centre, the Wieson Technologies Factory, etc.

Titan Dong Mai Industrial Centre, one of the LEED projects Vilai Viet is constructing.
Titan Dong Mai Industrial Centre, one of the LEED projects General contractor Vilai Viet is constructing.

On July 11th, with the introduction of our partner, General contractor Vilai Viet had the opportunity to meet with the GBCI Regional Director for Asia to discuss further the future development of LEED as well as the upcoming trends in green building.

Through this meeting, we had the opportunity to understand more about the upcoming changes in the green building market, the needs of customers, and the implementation barriers to participating in green construction.  We also discussed how to encourage businesses to invest in green building and the updates needed to adapt to sustainable requirements.

Vilai Viet met the Regional Director for Asia of the Green Business Certification Inc.
Vilai Viet met the Regional Director for Asia of the Green Business Certification Inc.

Governments are aiming for net-zero emissions. The pressure for businesses to participate in the green transition is bigger than ever. Investing in green building is inevitable for companies to develop sustainably. The standards for LEED and other green building certificates are updating non-stop to become more and more comprehensive. Being a young general contractor with open-minded personnel, Vilai Viet is ready to update our professional capabilities and transform to accompany investors on a new journey to sustainability.