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Announcement for Internal Award V-ACTS: Act to develop sustainably

On December 28th, Vilai Viet officially announced the internal award V-ACTS to recognize the company members who have the mindset to change and are making efforts to do so. Organizing for the first year, the theme of the V-ACTS Award this year will be Digital Solutions Make Changes.

Aiming to become an EPC contractor with sustainable development, changing constantly to adapt is a crucial requirement for every member of Vilai Viet. V-ACTS is the beginning of a series of activities to encourage changes for the employees of Vilai Viet.

V-ACTS: Act to develop sustainably
In 2023, Vilai Viet officially marks a drastic change in our image, commensurate with our position as a general contractor for FDI. This is also the year in which we organized various innovative activities in the way of achieving our long-term target.

In order to recognize and encourage the development of each member of the company, Vilai Viet officially established an internal award named V-ACTS. This is the first time the company has established an annual award, promising to bring value to the sustainable development of Vilai Viet.


The biggest target of Vilai Viet is to develop sustainably. More than maintaining sustainability for the environment, the sustainability principle of Vilai Viet focuses on making the company “Live long, live well”. When the company endures, every member of the company will also be abundant. Each small piece will combine to create a long-term sustainable future.

Every member of Vilai Viet is an important factor in achieving this target. Facing various new challenges in the market, each member must adapt and upgrade themselves and their knowledge constantly. This is also a motivation for Vilai Viet to establish the V-ACTS Award after years of planning.


Vilai Viet adapts with changes to transform to be sustainable

The target audience of V-ACTS is the employees of Vilai Viet. The main purpose of the award is to encourage everyone to change their mindset and action, aiming for sustainable development.

Daring to change their mindset and their action is the main quality Vilai Viet looks for in our employees. We believe that encouraging each member to develop is also building sustainable development for the company.


Each year, V-ACTS will have a main theme with different awarding categories following the overall development tendency of the market and the world. This will ensure the up-to-date and non-stop changing of Vilai Viet.

2023 Theme of V-ACTS: Digital Solutions Make Change
Organizing the first year, the internal award V-ACTS will start with the theme Digital Solutions Make Changes.

Vilai Viet has designed various digital solutions strategically, including the main information management system and personalized apps following the requirements of each department. However, these solutions still haven’t been used effectively by everyone.

Every innovative campaign starts with changing the mindset. And only when the mindset is updated, the action can change. The process of applying digital solutions is no different. No matter how developed the resources and process, as long as the mindset of the employees stays the same, all the effort to renovate can’t be able to bring the wanted effect.

Therefore, the V-ACTS Award 2023: Digital Solutions Make Changes, is firstly for the mindsets who dare to change.

The purpose of V-ACTS Award 2023

With the theme Digital Solution Make Changes, Vilai Viet hopes that V-ACTS will create the motivation to encourage each member to change their old behaviours and develop their abilities as well as those of the company.

This year V-ACTS Award will have 03 main purposes:

  • Recognizing the effort of members who dare to change and act.
  • Encouraging the employees of the company to make use of the digital solutions that the company provides during their work.
  • Create a habit of using digital solutions for each member, thereby optimizing the working process of the company.


The criteria for V-ACTS Award 2023

With the target audience being the employees of Vilai Viet, V-ACTS Award 2023: Digital Solutions Make Changes will be considered based on 04 main factors:

  • The frequency of using digital solutions during work
  • The collaboration when using digital solutions
  • The flexibility when using digital solutions
  • The creativity when using digital solutions


These factors will be evaluated quantitatively based on the data from the digital solutions platform that Vilai Viet provides for our employees, along with the qualitative judgement of the Digital Solutions Team and the individual interview results of the nominators.

The criteria for the Group Award in V-ACTS 2023
The criteria for the Group Award in V-ACTS 2023
The criteria for the Individual Award in V-ACTS 2023
The criteria for the Individual Award in V-ACTS 2023

The prizes of V-ACTS Award 2023

Using digital solutions will help Vilai Viet statistics and control the data better, improve and unify the operation data flow for each project. However, upgrading to change and develop isn’t the responsibility of one individual, but the effort of the entire team.

Therefore, the categories of V-ACTS were designed to recognize the exertion of the team as well as each member and inspire everyone to try harder to grow sustainably with the company.

The V-ACTS Award 2023: Digital Solution Make Changes this year includes 04 main prizes:

  • 02 Individual Award: Intended for individuals who dare to change their mindset and actions, typically by using digital solutions. Each prize is worth 5,000,000 VND.
  • 01 Department Award: Intended for a department which dares to change its mindset and action, typically in using digital solutions. Each prize is worth 10,000,000 VND.
  • 01 Project Award: Intended for a project which dares to change its mindset and action, typically in using digital solutions. Each prize is worth 10,000,000 VND.
  • 01 Leader Award: Intended for the leader of a department/ project who dares to change their mindset and strategy to encourage using digital solutions. Each prize is worth 5,000,000 VND.


A special category in V-ACTS this year is the Leader Award. Vilai Viet believes that the mindset of the leader is the key element to guiding the team members to unite for change. The Leader Award is designed to encourage the leaders in the company to change first, become an example and provide guidance to lead their team members to development.

The timeline of V-ACTS Award 2023

The Digital Solutions Team will conduct synthesis of the data throughout the working process in 2023 of each employee, department and project of the company. The final result will be announced officially at the Year End Party of Vilai Viet.

The official timeline of V-ACTS Award 2023: Digital Solutions Make Changes:

  • 28/12/2023: Announcement for the Award
  • 25/12/2023 - 18/01/2024: Conduct synthesis for the Award
  • 20/01/2024: BOD approve of the Award results
  • 06/02/2024: Award Ceremony at YEP

Vilai Viet united to develop sustainably

Employee is one of the most important factors that Vilai Viet focuses on investing. We believe that, to have a sustainable company, each employee of the company has to have the opportunity to develop.

We hope that this will become a lever to elevate the ability of every member of Vilai Viet, to accompany us to create a sustainable future for the company.